28 Apr What’s Your Story: Have You Taken Your Vitamin C?
You may be wondering, what does taking Vitamin C have to do with living an extraordinary life? Well, most of us know that Vitamin C is essential for maintaining peak physical health. It is a crucial nutrient that supports the immune system and contributes to overall physical wellbeing. Since our bodies do not naturally produce Vitamin C, it is up to us to maintain the appropriate levels in our systems. Some are able to do this simply by eating foods rich in Vitamin C, but many of us need to take supplements in order to reach the recommended daily dose. We rarely think twice about giving our bodies what they need in order stave off colds, infections, and more serious diseases. Yet, our emotional health is just as important as our physical health, and few of us realize that we need to supplement our emotional selves as well. So, the Vitamin C I am referring to here has to do with taking care of our wolf of love, and staving off our wolves of anxiety and anger. To nurture our internal wolves of the heart and to create the energy and discipline to enjoy our next moments of life, we need to pay attention to what our wolves need in order to thrive and remain calm. In other words, what exactly is the Vitamin C they need to thrive?
Essentially, we have three brains. Of course we don’t actually have three separate brains, hanging out like triplets in utero. We have one integrated brain, but each part of our brain requires a different kind of Vitamin C. Our oldest brain, the Reptilian Brain, is always on the alert for danger and harm. In order calm its anxious impulses, this part of our brain requires a daily dose of SAFETY, the sense that you are well protected and taking good care of yourself. Whenever you actively shift from negative, defensive, and worried thinking to positive, appreciative, and calm thinking, you are giving your inner Reptile, or wolf of anxiety, the Vitamin C it needs: its sense of safety.
Your Emotional Brain, on the other hand, needs to feel a sense of CONNECTION to other people. You provide the emotional supplement of Vitamin C to this part of your brain by caring for, appreciating, and bonding with others. This provides tremendous support for the wolf of love.
Your Thinking Brain gets its dose of Vitamin C from a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT. You set up a challenge, work diligently towards a specific goal, and subsequently experience satisfaction in your effort and a job well done.
The best of all worlds is when you have the satisfaction of working or living with others who share a common vision, are mutually supportive, caring, and engaged in meeting a challenge. We might consider this to be our Multi-Vitamin, providing us with a healthy dose of safety, connection, and accomplishment.
When you take your Vitamin C, both the physical and emotional components, remember that you are taking care of yourself, and relish that moment so you may digest your experiences in a healthy way. Engage the next minute and navigate for success, accomplishment, and satisfaction. Live an extraordinary and healthy life!
Learn more about Moss Jackson’s success formula and brain map for living an extraordinary life by ordering his book “Navigating For Success,” or contact him at center11@verizon.net or 610.642.4873 ext 23.