I Didn't Come To Say Goodbye


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Dr. Moss Jackson s a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in treating anxiety and panic attacks in adolescents and adults. He is also a success coach and has worked with both business leaders and athletes in enhancing their performance.

He has conducted workshops and consultations on success, managing conflict and navigating life with companies both nationally and internationally. Over the last several years. Dr. Jackson has begun to explore the emerging field of extended life and immortality from a psychological perspective.

He is also the author of four books and one film script. You can learn more about these books and the services he provides by writing to him at mossalan@aol.com.

Navigating for Success: Passion, Goals, & Action


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  • Do you want to be in control of your life?
  • Do you want more success in life?
  • Do you want to reach your goals with less effort?

Dr. Moss Jackson shatters the misconception that successful people are just lucky. Rather, Success is a deliberate choice that requires thoughtout plans and actions. In this book he presents the “Roadmap to Success,” which guides the reader to take the correct actions he or she needs to reach their goals and/or develop their passions.

Don’t miss the special forward written by Dick Vermeil, NFL Superbowl Champion Head Coach, and avid fan of the Navigating for Success approach to living.

Navigating Your Business Relationships: 52 Skills You Need to Know


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  • How do you connect with people in a productive way?
  • How do you stay connected to them?
  • How do you build long-term relationships based on trust and respect?
  • How do you create fans who are enthusiastic to work with you?

Navigating Your Business Relationships: 52 Skills You Need to Know provides a useful set of fifty-two practices to build and enhance your business relationships, as well as personal relationships you may want to enhance.

It is an easy, enjoyable read: practical common sense, and on-target weekly practices you can use to keep you in focus with your customers, colleagues at all levels.