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My six-year-old grandchild, Jess, came home from school one day. I was writing at the time and was in the process of pouring myself a glass of wine. As conversation swirled around me, I accidentally knocked the glass over. Wine spilled across the table and I gave out some annoyed comments. Jess came over; saw the red wine inch its way toward the table’s edge. He simply smiled, and said something he had learned in school. “You get what you get and you don’t get upset.”

Where there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable.” - Earl Nightingale. Breakdowns are inevitable in a partnership, especially if there are big dreams, goals, and risks. In strong partnerships, partners may get upset, frustrated, or angry but they don’t succumb to negative thinking and pessimism. They don’t bring up the past; they learn to move on. They use life’s challenges as opportunities for learning, breakthrough, and recommittment to action. Resilient partners learn to “right themselves and regain their footing.” Similar to the experience in piloting a small sailboat where capsizing is a constant companion, resilient partners simply figure out what to do to get the operation back in position after a project “capsizes.”