Anger Control – a Must Learn for Business Success

Anger Control – a Must Learn for Business Success

My six-year-old grandchild, Jess, came home from school one day. I was writing at the time and was in the process of pouring myself a glass of wine. As conversation swirled around me, I accidentally knocked the glass over. Wine spilled across the table and I gave out some annoyed comments.

Jess came over; saw the red wine inch its way toward the table’s edge. He simply smiled, and said something he had learned in school. “You get what you get and you don’t get upset.”

Anger is something most of us feel when we become upset or frustrated. We get angry when we don’t get our own way or an expectation doesn’t turn out in our favor.

Bottom Line
The key to managing anger is to remember the following:

  • S**t happens!
  • Don’t be hard on the person, be hard on the problem.
  • Lighten up, this too shall pass.
  • You’re not a Prince; you’re not here to be served.
  • No one is waking up in the morning to thinking about how to make your day miserable.
  • Don’t blame or attack others.
  • Take a 5-minute time out before you say anything.
  • If you let anger control what you say, misery will eventually follow.