Getting a Head Start!

Getting a Head Start!

Well, here we are again at the end of summer! Some of you may be looking forward to getting back to work after a relaxing vacation. Others might be glad to just get their kids back to school and get some relief. Personally, I am looking forward to getting back to my usual schedule, seeing my clients and conducting the Navigating For Success Workshops.

As some of you may already know, the workshop is designed for people who want more success, accomplishment and satisfaction in their lives. Checking in with past participants, it seems that they are becoming more successful as they continue to practice the NFS Formula and 7 Success Skills.

This September we are launching our NFS Workshop Program for Teenagers. My NFS colleague Becky Scott and I will be working with a local high school senior class and a private school senior class. We are excited to see the impact of our program on these students as they progress through their last year of high school. We have found with many teenagers that leaving the safety of high school and their home experiences leads to confusion about both themselves and their futures. They often lack a future perspective, visionary thinking and decision making. They also seem unclear about their talents, passions and values. I think our NFS program will help adolescent participants to understand their Goals, to gain a powerful sense of Purpose, to develop a Roadmap For Success and to clearly define their personal Values. This will give them a compass and a direction to navigate through their senior year and into the future.

I don’t know about you, but I was a mess when I finished my senior year at New Brunswick High School so many years ago. I left for college as confused, naive and rudderless as ever. I almost flunked out my freshman year and had no clear sense of who I was, what I wanted or where I was going. I think it was the fear of failure and of being on my own that pushed me into finally taking some responsibility for my studies and success.

Hopefully, your transition was not as painful as mine. I wish I’d had a mentor or coach then to help me to better understand what I was going through and to guide me through my transition. I think the NFS Workshop will give our adolescents such a support system, and will help to launch them into a stronger future than I and some of my friends experienced.

I will keep you posted on their experiences in the workshop and what successes they attain during this coming year. I hope this program will serve as a Benchmark for us to use with other teenagers in both the NFS Workshop and in individual coaching.

If any of you are interested in learning more about our work, give Becky or me a call at 610-642-4873 or check us out

I wish you much success, accomplishment and satisfaction as you each transition into the fall season.